Work as Unto the Lord

Do you ever have that moment when you just can’t do something that should not be a big deal to do? Housework, laundry, mowing the grass – you know just normal everyday living stuff.  It is so easy to put it off and say I can do that later or tomorrow but “tomorrow” never comes and the chores are still looking you right in the face. Or maybe it is a homework assignment or some project for work that you are just dreading to do.

Col 3:17 says “whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…”  Then in Col 3:23 “and whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not unto men.”

So next time you get ready to clean those bathrooms, or do something for your boss or for school think of it as doing it “as unto the Lord” and it may just take the drudgery out of those things we wish we didn’t have to do.

He may have to work on us for the heartily part. LOL. 

Be Blessed!

Pastor Suzanne


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