BLESSINGS AND PEACE TO YOU ALL! I am excited having the A.D. Players come to CFC and perform the play, John: His Story. By now everyone knows my love for the ARTS. But to rehearse in short, I desire our young people to be exposed to the ARTS in all their forms (theater, music, painting, cinema, etc.) as well as their usage for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. With joy, I watched our children’s eyes filled with awe while watching the production of Charlotte’s Web at the new A.D. Players theater earlier this year. This is a great opportunity for the CFC family to invite other family, friends and neighbors! Come and enjoy the A.D. Players presentation of John: His Story.
We are honored to announce, Sunday, May 14th, the ordination service of Russ McKee as an elder to CFC. Russ has served faithfully for many years here at CFC and will be a welcomed addition to our ministry team. Also, on May 14th, we will honor our MOMS, so let me be the first to say, BLESSED MOTHER”S DAY!
In His Service,
Pastor Chuck